For your consideration:
>> Why yes, I am one of these people: 11 reasons why people who followed the rules as kids are the most fun adults.
>> Oh, Texas: A 9-year-old boy has been suspended for threatening a classmate with the One Ring.
>> Hear, hear: Why it was a "bad week to be a shitty geek."
>> Excuse me while I go find my colored pencils: Psychologists have determined that the act of coloring de-stresses adults.1
>> It's a sad day: Queen Elizabeth says she is done adopting Corgis.
>> SCIENCE!: How the smell of rain actually comes from the ground.2
>> I want to see this movie so much more now: "Jupiter Ascending Is Like Battlefield Earth Without The Excuse Of Scientology."
>> It's not "all the lonely Starbucks lovers?": Why you hear lyrics wrong (particularly that line in Taylor Swift's "Blank Space").3
>> I need to try a few of these: 100 ways you can show self-love.1
Also on my mind: Valentine's Day | industrial lighting | cooking more | cross-stitch sweaters | moon phases | The 100 | mantle decor | tattoo ideas
And now, your moment of GIF:
Original sources: 1 Hiya Tootsie!'s Weekly Badassery 01/26/15; 2 The Ann Friedman Weekly Smells like teen spirit; 3 My Life As a Teacup's Link Love